Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Lots of exciting stuff (part 2) You really need to read this one!

OK, let's continue this train of positivity. When I left off, I talked about Logan's party and what a great time he had despite having broken his arm. One of the heroes at the party, said that she had a gift on the way for Logan, but it had not arrived before the party. Well, a week later, she let us know that it was here. She brought over a couple of signed prints from Bob Layton! He is the artist behind Iron Man, and the prints were pretty cool.

Logan then soon received another amazing gift. He received a package from Marvel Studios that included MANY movie posters, a hat and some books. It was pretty amazing and has made Logan love his room even more. They heard about Logan through a video that our friend Melanie posted in hopes to get Robert Downey Jr to Logan's end of chemo party.


Well, he didn't make it to the party, which is completely OK. But a few weeks later, we did hear from his team and Logan received a very special FaceTime call from Tony Stark himself.

It blew us away and we were all so excited. It was such an amazing and memorable experience, and we will treasure that time for the rest of our lives. Everyone that we emailed with, spoke to, etc. was so kind and we were so impressed. Truly a class act. Also thanks so much to Melanie for coming up with the idea and seeing it through. We cannot thank you enough!

But wait, there's more... Logan was recently selected as the Boy of the Year for the Rocky Mountain chapter of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. This is such a great honor. He will be one of the faces for a huge fundraising campaign: The Man and Woman of the Year. We will be working toward helping to raise funds that will go to research a cure for blood cancers. And with that, we are off to Light the Night tomorrow. Our team is still trying to raise some last minute funds, so please go to our page and take a look. Even $5 helps the fight against cancers like Logan had. Thanks to all of Logan's fans, and also thanks for sticking with it and reading this far.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Lot's of exciting stuff (part 1)

OK, I know I always say this, but sorry for the long time in between updates. Logan has been busy living life and having a ball. Since the last post, Logan had surgery to remove his port. Of course with our little man, things did not go exactly as planned. Since he had the port in for so long, it had become adhered to his vein wall. So, when the surgeon tried to remove it, part of it separated and did not come out, instead staying lodged inside of his vein. So, Logan had to be transported up to the main Children's hospital for interventional radiology to perform a second surgery and remove the remaining piece. By then it was pretty late, so we stayed the night. They put us on the oncology floor, which we had not been on for over three years. It brought back some strong emotions and memories, but we made it through. Thankfully we were able to go home the next day, and Logan rested and recovered.

After all that excitement, we geared up for Logan's end of chemo party. We were ready to celebrate! The party included so much fun, and was a community effort. We had several superheroes volunteer their time from the Colorado branch of Heroes Alliance. My friend Michelle painted faces, and other friends pitched in to help too. Thanks Candice! Everyone brought food to share, and Pizza Hut even donated a couple extra pizzas. My friend Daelyn and her business Flashes of Fun gave us a huge discount on her awesome selfie station, and the pictures were amazing! I definitely recommend them to add fun and great pictures to any event you plan.

The superheroes were so great. They gave Logan some gifts and hung out for most of the afternoon. It just made the afternoon so special and memorable. So many of Logan's friends and classmates came. There were also several teachers from his school (current, retired, and ones with new jobs) and the assistant principal. His oncologist and several nurses, etc. from the clinic came. We very much appreciate the sense of community and support from those who came and those who wanted to come but just couldn't make it. One more memorable moment of the party was when Logan fell from the monkey bars and broke his arm. Because, of course. Never a dull moment with our superhero. Thankfully now his arm is healed and the cast is off.