Saturday, March 15, 2014

Reclaiming the giggle monster

Logan is doing very well right now. We are so pleased that he has been feeling well and not been sick lately. For the first time in about 10 months I actually feel like I have my son back. About 3 or 4 weeks leading up to his diagnosis was when he started being cranky and not like himself. Before that, he was the happiest kid and super giggly all the time. He found humor in every little thing and loved to be tickled. As any parent would say, your child's laugh is the best sound in the world. For so long he felt bad or had constant clinic appointments, and did not feel like laughing. It brings very happy tears to my eyes when I hear that laugh, and when I realize that he feels great. He feels and acts like any normal kid. Well, any normal kid that takes chemo every day and asks about finger pokes, Bob pokes, and chemo. I just want to thank everyone for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. We still have a long road ahead, but couldn't do it without our families and friends.


  1. Wonderful to hear.

  2. You (and dad of course) have done a remarkable job! Kudo's to you both!!
