Friday, November 14, 2014

Finally getting back into the swing

Logan is finally feeling more like his normal self. He is finally eating at least one good meal a day and is playing more. We have been having quite a few struggles around him taking his medicine lately (mostly since he was sick). He did decide he wanted to try swallowing the pills instead of from the syringe (I usually crush them). So, we practiced with some M &Ms, and he did great. Then before bed, we gave him a cup of juice and his chemo pill. He took it with no trouble and was so excited for himself. He says he preferred this to the other way, so we will do this from now on. Hopefully it will go this well when Tuesday rolls around and he has 12 pills to take.

Here are some Disney pictures that I just found and thought were cute, but had not shared:

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Logan, you swallowed a pill?! That is pretty hard to do. Weston's Auntie Titi couldn't swallow a pill until she was in High School. I'm pretty impressed with your skill.
    Weston's Nana from Massachusetts, Debbie
