Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Smoothish sailing

Logan has been doing pretty well since his last chemo. He still has a dry cough that he cannot seem to shake, but not much else in that area. Thankfully he is mostly healthy. They thought his numbers were a little high (too close to the "normal" range), so they increased his medication dose. He now takes 1 1/2 pills on four nights instead of 1 pill of his mercaptopurine. Not too big of an increase, but we are just trying to get into the routine. They had us come in this week for a two week lab check and his numbers are coming down but still higher than they prefer. So, we just stay the course for now.

Thanksgiving went well, and we enjoyed having family here with us. This year I am thankful for so many things. I am thankful that Logan has made it into Maintenance and is doing so well with it. I am thankful for little things like his ability to swallow pills. I am thankful that he has been able to take treatment like such a champ. I am thankful for all the support and love we are shown each day. Thankful for our friends and family who are understanding and love us, and we know that they are there for us.

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