Tuesday, May 19, 2015


We have been staying busy since the last posting. Logan had chemo and his numbers were down, but they didn't seem to worried. It was high enough to get chemo, but a little below where they prefer for their "therapeutic range." It could have had something to do with the fact he had been sick the week before. Since then, we have gotten two puppies, and Logan (as well as Alexis) are both thrilled beyond belief. The puppies keep us on our toes, and the kids are learning to keep everything picked up off of the floor unless they want it to become a puppy toy. The puppies are also pretty sweet and snuggly as well as intuitive. Logan had a migraine last week and another yesterday, and the puppies did not want to leave his side yesterday. They snuggled him when he rested on the couch. When we set him up in a chair with a blanket outside while the rest of us planted the vegetable garden, they planted themselves in his lap and at his feet and did not budge until we all went in. It was pretty sweet, and they even kept watching him when he would get up. It is safe to say that we are all tired of Logan getting these headaches that make him sick and bring him down.

Today is a new day though, and Logan is a different person from yesterday. He is eating, smiling, talking and happy to be feeling better. He is excited about his last week of school this week with celebrations. And next week is his last week at Cathy's for daycare. I will then be off for the summer and we will all be home before the school year starts, and Logan is in Kindergarten. I cannot believe he is ready for this new chapter in his life. I am excited and worried at the same time. I am meeting with his teacher and a few others to figure out what we can put in place next year to ensure he stays as healthy as possible. I am not sure what I can do to help this, so if anyone has any suggestions please share. For now, I will leave you with some pictures of the puppies:

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