Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Big catch up (Part 2)

OK, where were we? We had just gone over Light the Night, but I forgot to include how much our team raised. Logan's Avengers raised $2,542! We are so thankful to everyone who donated and also those who came out to support Logan and our family. Then I included pictures from the camping trip to Utah. OK, onward...

We came back home to school and chemo that next week. Logan's numbers were actually right where they like them to be. His ANC was 1450 which is right in the "therapeutic range." Then the kids enjoyed their Fall Festival, and the next week was Halloween! Logan had been looking forward to being Ant Man, and this is what he wore to the Fall Festival at school. Then all of a sudden he wanted to be Hulk. No biggie, it was a costume he already had, and he wore that to trick or treat at the Children's Hospital event. Then he promptly changed his mind back to being Ant Man for the big day. The kids had fun trick or treating with friends, but Logan got tired pretty quick and did not last long. Unfortunately I did not get a picture of him as Hulk, but here are some pics of Ant Man:

That same day, he had his last soccer game and got his trophy. He enjoyed soccer, but did get tired pretty easily and did not like that.

Other than that, Logan has just been a regular kid. He enjoys school, and charms his teachers every day. He has made so many friends, and likes to go to birthday parties. He has chemo next week, so hopefully his numbers will be good.

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