Thursday, October 17, 2013

And down they go...

Logan has been doing great. He has lots of energy, and has been having plenty of fun. So, I was a little surprised with his numbers today after his finger poke. I know that we are expecting his numbers to go down, and that the steroids were supposedly making them look good last week, but they are down significantly now. His ANC is now 300 (down from 1300 last week, and we are happy with anything over about 750-1000), and he is classified as neutropenic. His platelets are around 38,000 (down from over 500,000 last week). Good news on his hemoglobin is that it actually went up and is 11.4 which is almost in the "normal range." Also, they are not low enough to need any blood products yet. So, this is the drop we have been waiting and preparing for. He really should not go out in public, and needs to avoid anyone who is remotely sick. Logan is at a very high risk of getting sick or an infection. We are on high alert, and this is a time in which he will automatically go to the hospital if he spikes a fever because it can get very serious very quickly. Unfortunately, it cancels plans to go to the indoor pool tomorrow. Oh well, keeping him healthy is much more important. My only problem will be to keep him entertained, because he feels just fine and wants to go out and do fun things and play with all his friends. He does not let anything get him down. In fact, Logan and Alexis decided that we needed to go on a picnic and play at the park on Tuesday. I don't think they noticed that it was snowing the whole time!

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