Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Eventful day

Today was a big day all around. We woke up to find our final 12th day of Christmas mystery gift on the front porch from our Secret Santa. It was hot cocoa mix and many baked goodies along with a card. Our Secret Santa is...Cindy! The registrar/Principal's secretary/organizer extraordinaire/all around amazing lady from our daughter's school. We get to see Cindy when in the school, and I also had the great fortune of working with her last year as part of this amazing school when they had a preschool. As I had said earlier, I wanted to be able to say thank you. I was afraid that we would not eventually know the identity, so I devised a plan. We wrote our thank you notes to leave out on the porch along with a pan of homemade cinnamon rolls ready to pop into the oven along with some icing. It was fun to leave out something ourselves to give back and express our gratitude.

We had to take Logan to the clinic today because he has a nasty cough, and they just checked him out to make sure all was fine. They sent us home with no medicine, but at least we know his counts are good. He is doing pretty well, and we just put him in a steamy bathroom a few times each day.

Also today, Alexis, Logan's sister made a big move: she donated her very long hair to Childhood Leukemia Foundation/Wigs for Kids. We originally talked about it about a month ago (when her hair was in her plate yet again). But we gave her a long time to think about it, and she brought it back up on her own and said she wanted to do it. Here are some before and after pictures:

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