Thursday, December 5, 2013

Onward we march

We went in today for blood counts to see if Logan passes to have chemo tomorrow. I was not sure what to hope for, expect, etc. On one hand, they have been saying that usually the kids do not pass on the first try after the Delayed Intensification phase. But on the other hand, he would have passed early last week when he went in and needed blood. The numbers that they look at to need blood are different numbers than the ones that pass you for chemo. On top of that he has had an extra week and a half for his bone marrow to recover from all the chemo he had last month. Well...he passed. His platelets are over 300,000. His ANC is 800. And, incidentally his hemoglobin is now 11.2 which is great. No wonder he has pretty decent energy.

On to the next phase we go! This new phase is called Interim Maintenance II, and it is essentially like the IM I phase which was right before DI. He goes every 10 days for chemo with Vincristine and escalating doses of Methotrexate in his port. Except for tomorrow which he gets Methotrexate in his spinal fluid. Oh, the dreaded spinal chemo. It seems to still hit him hard no matter what we do. He does much better when they give him fluids and stay flat for an hour, but still has more of an upset tummy later in the day with that than just with the regular chemo in his port. Hopefully he will be ok. He has been invited to the Make a Wish store tomorrow. He is given "wish bucks" and he can purchase a few gifts for family/friends and even get something for himself. Logan is really excited about going shopping for himself.

Right now, we are just trying to stay warm (it is -2 outside right now). And keep plugging on. Here he is with Melissa from the clinic getting ready for his finger poke.

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