Logan is doing great. He is finally eating, laughing and not throwing up. Something to celebrate for sure. Except, now his sister Alexis is sick. Poor thing just woke up with a headache and fever. Hopefully it is something that passes quickly. But Logan was very concerned and he felt Alexis needed to go the hospital because she had a fever. This was after he told us she needed medicine. Our little man knows just what happens when he gets a fever, and figures it is the same for everyone. Such a little caretaker.
What this day at home has given me some time for is creating and launching the official Facebook page for Logan the Cancer Avenger. This is a way to reach more people than just my personal page. Go check it out. Or, maybe you are here because of that page. Welcome. If you want the whole back story, I recommend going to the beginning of the blog. I would not recommend reading the entire blog, just because it is 3.5 months worth of posts. But you can always scan a few, including How it all Began and maybe Worst day of our lives (though that one is harder, even for me to go back and read). I scanned a few from that first month when I was looking for those posts to link, and I realized something. Even though we were really still struggling with the new diagnosis, I included little moments of humor or comments in those posts. I think with the craziness of going back to work and just getting things done, I have lost some of that. So, I will include one of the funnier quotes from Logan lately. As we have said, since he is so young we use the analogy of superheros and bad guys to explain chemo, leukemia, and what he is going through. Obviously the "bad guys" are the leukemia cells, the "superheros" are the medications and chemo. Well, since Logan is not potty trained, his skin gets really irritated after chemo treatments and we have to be diligent in changing him quickly and keeping his skin protected. Despite this, he has some irritation and it bothers him. So, the other day he told me "the bad guys are attacking my balls!" Which was his way of telling me his skin was burning/itching and he needed cream applied.
Here is a picture of them in their Halloween costumes before either of them were sick. Logan has even inspired Alexis to be a superhero instead of a princess (a big step for her).
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