Many people have asked us how we found out Logan has Leukemia. What made us go into the doctor? Well, Logan is a very happy charming little boy. Don't get me wrong, he is still a two year old and can pout like a champion, but overall he is very happy. So, when he started being pretty cranky for a few days, and then we noticed that he had a fever we thought something was up. Was he teething? Nope, can't find any new teeth or swollen gums. Is he getting sick? Nope, fever comes and goes, no runny nose, cough or other symptoms. Well, he does seem to have less of an appetite. So, after about 2.5-3 weeks of these random symptoms, we just became tired of him being cranky and us not knowing what was going on. Then we called our pediatrician, and they had us come in the same day. I described what had been going on, and she decided to run some blood tests and take a urine sample just to see what was going on. She mentioned checking for Mono among other things. Never in a million years would I have expected the phone call later that evening telling me that the blood tests were abnormal and she thought we should go to the Children's hospital that night. When I asked what the abnormal results could mean, she mentioned that it could be Leukemia but that they would be able to do the tests and figure it out at Children's. Off we went, they confirmed it, and we were admitted that night.
So, this is how this all began two weeks ago tonight. Now Logan is on day 12 of chemo. Almost halfway done with the first month which is referred to as Induction. He has had three infusions of platelets, and after today he has had two blood transfusions. He is grumpy, but is hanging in there. He is a strong little boy, and we love him so much. Here is a picture of him waiting to go home after the blood transfusion today during which he was so patient even though it took almost 5 hours.
He looks like a mini Eric. Hang in there Logan!!!