Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The joys of steroids

One of Logan's chemo treatments is Dexamethasone which is a steroid. Some of the side effects are increased appetite, insomnia, water retention, and changes in mood/behavior. He had been sleeping 12+ hours/night, but now he is waking up about 6:30 (or even earlier today). I do not think this is because of insomnia. I think he is waking up hungry. He immediately asks for "lunch" which has become every meal, snack, etc. Not sure why, he usually knows breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. But now, he wants to eat constantly. He seems insatiable, and we have to make sure they are small meals because he will get overfull and then throw up. I can try and distract him, but this does not last long as I think he is truly hungry. Between the appetite and the water retention, he has rounded out considerably. His face is round, and he has quite the Buddha belly (see picture below). Honestly he seems like a pregnant lady. His bellybutton is flattening out and he seems to have cravings. He keeps asking for food we don't even have in the house (and don't usually have), and I cannot get him to eat much healthy food like fruit which is one of his usual favorites. Logan's mood has also changed. As I have said before, he is usually very happy and charming with lots of giggles. Right now he is pretty cranky and has no tolerance for frustration. We do get occasional giggles when he is swinging outside or helping out, and those are precious.

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