Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Party animal!

Logan had a great birthday week, and it was capped off with his party on Saturday. He was so excited to have his friends there, and they had a great time. It was a little too cool for the Slip-and-Slide, but we broke out the water guns and they still had a blast. The Ironman theme went well, and through a minor (major at the time) crisis we had two favors to give away. Logan really enjoyed having family here for his birthday, and all of his superhero gifts. We are all so thankful for his health this year and how he is doing. He loved the Ironman cake that I made him, complete with light up arc reactor:

(Just a couple of extra random pictures from our trip to Vail)

Friday, August 22, 2014

Happy birthday big man!

Logan had a great birthday yesterday. He had fresh, warm cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Then I was rewarded with "these are the best cinnamon rolls in the whole wide world." Also, "you are the best mom in the whole wide world." What more can I ask for?

He had a fun day, and then we went out for dinner. Logan had requested broccoli cheese soup, and it took me awhile to figure out the place as there are not that many options. We did find a place, and Logan enjoyed his dinner (pictured below).

Logan then opened presents, and enjoyed it a great deal. He now has a Spiderman costume, a couple of cool Avengers jackets, new Ironman shirts, Ironman cup, Avengers Bowling set, and some new shoes.

Overall, it was a great day to celebrate Logan being a year older, as well as his health and all the strides he has made over the past year.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go!

Logan is a rockstar. That is all.

Well, I guess I can tell you why. We went to chemo yesterday (dressed as his favorite Ninja Turtle, Leonardo), and none of the normal nurses were there. So, he had to be accessed by a different nurse, Miss Megan. She did great, and Logan was a super trooper. He received his IV chemo and they also did an IV antibiotic to replace his oral one that he takes on the weekends. He has been having some trouble tolerating it, and we thought we would give this a try. Hopefully it will help. He has been taking his medicines without too much difficulty, and no major effects from the steroids yet. We are hoping that he will have a good week since tomorrow is his birthday and Saturday is his party.

I have been busy trying to fulfill Logan's birthday requests. He wants cinnamon rolls for breakfast in the morning, and they are ready to put in the oven in the morning. The cake is baked, and will be frosted tomorrow. Then the finishing touches should be done on Friday.

Here are pictures of Logan at chemo, and then eating some of the birthday cake given to him by the doctor, nurses, and staff at the clinic. They also gave him some toys for his birthday. We really do love the clinic and all the people there that help Logan and our family. If we have to go through this, at least there is a good team to make it go smoother.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Big week

Wow, so much to tell...We had a great weekend in Vail at Vail Rocks! Logan and Alexis both loved exploring the town. They were both very excited about hiking with the Love Hope Strength group. On Saturday morning, we all put on our "Team Logan" shirts, and met the group. Of course, Logan was a star and everyone cheered for him and thought he was pretty cool (which, of course, he is). Off we went. Three and a half miles. Up hill. A fairly steep hill. Thankfully, they had two stops for some live music in a couple of meadows, so the kids (and me) had some time to rest. Logan made it about half way on his own, which I feel was pretty good. Then he needed to be carried on Eric's shoulders to the second stopping point. Alexis was starting to fade at that point too. Uh, oh. Thankfully, Katie Poppert, offered them a ride for the last third of the hike. We will be forever grateful, because I am not sure how that last stage would have gone. At the top, we all had some lunch and relaxed while listening to music. Then we topped it off with a ride down in the gondola, which was a highlight of the weekend for the kids.

Yesterday, Logan went in for a finger poke, because he has chemo today. Unfortunately, we have not heard back from them about his  numbers, but I guess we will today. I think he is doing pretty well, I mean, he hiked on Saturday and had crazy energy all weekend. But you just never know.

Logan is gearing up for his birthday on Thursday and party on Saturday. He is super excited about his Iron Man cake, and having a couple of friends over to play. He has also requested cinnamon rolls. He wants them for his birthday. He wants them for his party. And he wants them to take to daycare next week for his birthday treat. Wow, I guess I better get busy.

This last one was Sunday after we got home from Vail. Logan was done, and needed a break.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Playtime is over

Well, it happened. Summer break is over and we are back to our old routine. I started back to work yesterday, and Logan is back at Cathy's. He went back with no problems, and was really excited to see his friends. It does help that we talk it up like that, but he didn't even cling to me yesterday when I dropped him off. Doesn't he know Mom needs an extra hug? Apparently not.

Anyway, the end to our summer break went pretty well.  I took the kids to the dentist and to visit Eric at work last week. We snuck in a last visit to the pool on Tuesday morning. I really like going during the week when they open since  no one else is around. Why am I the only one who seems to know this secret? We went to the movies to see the older version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Monday and Planes, Fire and Rescue on Tuesday. The kids loved both movies, and I was treated to having two Ninja Turtles in my house all day reenacting the movie. We also enjoyed a little family time with Eric who went to the movie with us on Tuesday to round out our last day of break.

I wanted to say thanks to our four donors to the Logan's Avengers team for Vail Rocks. The Carr family and their friends the Bailey/Petrie family and the Gargan family (thanks Candice for sharing), and also to the anonymous donor. We are up to $300 which is great! It is 9 days away, and we are hoping to raise even more, but we are so grateful for any and all donations as well as raised awareness.    If you are still interested, here is the link to our fundraising page. So many people out there need life saving matches. We are thankful that Logan does not need a bone marrow transplant, but he could need one if he were ever to relapse (do you know how hard it was to type that last phrase?). Many people out there rely on organizations such as Love Hope Strength and Delete Blood Cancer to find matches so that they can live.