Why am I stressing about Alexis' birthday? It will be fine. She will have fun. Everyone will have fun. Yet I stress and overdo it to make sure she feels special. I feel like she takes a backseat to Logan's illness, treatments, schedule, etc. I hate to deny her something based solely because of Logan and the accompanying issues that goes along with a sibling with cancer. Will I ever get over this mommy guilt? I want her to have a normal childhood and get to do all the normal things. This summer, we are more able to do those things including going to the pool and having fun. We can have her birthday party here at home like usual instead of having to go somewhere else. This is progress. But, it seems I am worried about making it perfect. Which it will never be. And that is OK (or so I try and convince myself). I am working on making her cake amazing. Now, would I do this anyway? Probably. Baking is my hobby, and I love it. I also love trying to make the cakes look really cool and fun. I love seeing my kids' faces light up when I have made their favorite character in frosting. But I am pushing myself even farther this year. Now, I am not creative (in the least), but I can Pinterest with the best of them and recreate things I see. I can follow instructions like a champ. Here is what I have so far:

I also have two rounded layer cakes covered in chocolate frosting and awaiting their fondant covering. Hopefully all will be fine. My biggest fear is that the head is too heavy and will crash through the whole cake. Fingers crossed. I could always pretend I meant to make it look like the part when his head is separate from his body, right?
Anyway, Logan is still awaiting his "regular" Ironman cake. When I was baking the cake, he asked "where is the regular one?" Thankfully I have some vanilla ice cream in the freezer for him if needed. He is doing well, and excited to have family staying with us. He loves showing off for Nene, Pappa, Grandma and Grandpa.
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