Monday, July 15, 2013

Bowling video, and update

OK, apparently the 14 second video was too big to just upload from my phone. So, I loaded it a different way, and you can go to this link to see Logan bowling. It is pretty cute. He was just having so much fun.

Update: Logan is doing better since his rough evening on Saturday. He has been playing with his new toys (a few Superman toys that he got from the family, his Avengers umbrella that Alexis picked out, and an Iron Man from Peggy). His appetite is pretty much nonexistent over the past 36 hours or so. He even turned down donuts for breakfast yesterday, which is a pretty big deal for him. We now think that his vomiting episode on Saturday was a combination of the spinal tap making him more sensitive to changes in air pressure. He complained of a headache and became sick about the same time that a front moved through our area and it started raining. Eric and I both are sensitive to fronts moving through, and usually end up with nasty headaches too. As I said, he has been doing well since then. He is tired, and even took a nap yesterday afternoon. He had a little fever last night, but not 101 so we haven't had to call the doctor yet about it. We are just keeping close tabs on him. Hopefully it is just a fluke, and he is not coming down with something. Thankfully it was back to normal when he woke up this morning, but is currently over 99.  Any positive thoughts, prayers, hopes, wishes, etc are appreciated to keep him well and out of the hospital.

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