Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Random puking incidents

Well, we had another random incident of being sick last night. Logan was doing fine, but then he complained of his stomach hurting. I asked if he needed to go to the bathroom, was gassy, or needed to throw up. He answered "no" to all of this. At that time, Logan just wanted a hug, so of course I gave him one. He promptly threw up all over both of us. So, after cleaning up and both of us taking showers, he was right as rain again. No further issues. No real explanation either. I don't know if it is just the new chemo that he takes each day, and he has a constant upset stomach. Hopefully this will pass soon. Most of the time, while I know he has Leukemia, I can usually shove it to the back of my mind. There is nothing like this to put it right back in your face: Logan has cancer, and it stinks. Poor guy, he is hanging in there and thankfully he recovers quickly. He has such a great spirit, and is so happy despite everything else.

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