Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Better update

Logan is doing much better with eating and energy. Though he has been acting a little off yesterday and this morning. He was really sad when I had to go to work yesterday, which did not make leaving any easier. Last night, he just had a little breakdown at bedtime. For some reason he did not want to go to bed, and felt that if he had to go to bed, Mommy should stay with him. This is very unusual for him. We gave him some extra TLC and he settled down and went to sleep. Then, at 5:20 this morning, I hear a very chipper voice: "Mommy, my tummy hurts." Yes, you read that correctly, he was chipper. You see, my son is not dumb. He is charming and smart and knows how to wield this power. He also knows what will get me out of bed at 5:20 in the morning instead of ignoring him in hopes he will go back to sleep or entertain himself at the very least. If he says his tummy hurts or he needs to throw up, I will inevitably go in to help. So, I accompany him to the bathroom, where he pretends to dry heave, then looks at me and says "I tried." Then we went and snuggled in bed for about 10 minutes. It was nice to have snuggles, but there was no hope of going back to sleep with him in my bed. Then he started talking, and I figured he was ready to get up. So, we got up and situated him on the couch and I went to get ready. Now, don't get me wrong, I believed that he did not feel wonderful. But he was still pretty chipper all morning, so really I think he is fine.

We finally got him his reward for taking shots at home, a giant Spiderman balloon. When asked what he wanted for being such a brave boy, all he could think of was a balloon. Even when given the choice of a toy, book, movie, anything else, he did not want anything else. When we went to the store to get it, I again asked if we should get him anything in addition to the balloon, and his reply was: "We should get another balloon for Alexis." Doesn't that just melt your heart? He is the sweetest.

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