Monday, November 11, 2013

Strong little man

I forgot over the weekend to say thank you to Peggy and Susan for bringing food last week. It was very much appreciated and came at a time when I did not have a spare moment or ounce of time or energy to spare.

Logan continues to recover from his long chemo Friday. Even though he had several other chemos that day, we really think it is the spinal chemo that does it to him. He is able to pretty much take it all in stride with a little nausea, until he has those doses. He often has headaches, even though we have him lay flat for an hour and have them give him fluids each time. Unfortunately right now we cannot even give him anything for the pain because it could mask a fever. And he just seems to crash later in the day with those spinal doses. I guess at least he does not have those every time, but it is hard on him when he does.

Good news is that he is starting to eat more, and is perking up nicely. He is playing and smiling, and even likes jumping around in the leaves outside (after they have been raked into a pile, of course). He is such a trooper when it comes to taking his medicine. Right now he has oral chemo each night and the medicine for nausea, and then on the weekends he has the antibiotic to prevent pneumonia. Not to mention those fun shots each morning. At lease we gave him the last one of those this morning (until we start giving them again this weekend). He is so strong, and just accepts it as part of life. I am so proud of him, that words cannot express all the feelings. He makes me stronger, and I am so lucky to have him in my life. This has to keep working.

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