Well, we took Logan in for labs today to check his numbers. He is in a phase of his treatment that he may need a blood transfusion or platelets, so we are going in twice a week just for lab checks. I made a gamble and did not put numbing cream on his port just hoping that his numbers would be fine. Well, the gamble paid off, and no blood or platelets were needed. His hemoglobin was 8.2 (must be below 7 to transfuse), and his platelets were 152,000 (must be below 10,000 to give him some). But, his ANC is 0. Yes, 0, which I did not even know was possible. Essentially the white cells were so low that it was impossible to even calculate an ANC. This just means that he is very susceptible to infection, illness, etc. We have kept him home from daycare, and plan to keep him isolated for at least the next three weeks. They expect his other numbers to go down, and will recheck on Friday to see if he needs blood or platelets. Hopefully he will stay well, because with no immune system he will go directly to the hospital even with a little fever. The good news is that he still has some energy, though it comes in bursts. He can be pretty feisty most of the time, but is also a little happier than last week. He is all done with me giving him shots of chemo (yea for that!). Here is a picture from a few days ago as he starts to make his Christmas list:
Sending Peace.