Friday, November 15, 2013

Finally the week is over

This has been a long and trying week. Logan has just not been himself. He is whining, crying, and very needy. I don't think he feels great, but then he pushes through and plays like a champ. But, when we went in for chemo today, it got even harder. He didn't want me to put the numbing cream on his port. Then he wanted to be carried into the clinic. He was pretty clingy getting his blood pressure taken, and then would not let go when we took him into a room. Once in there, he stuck to me like glue. Needless to say it was not a smooth visit for accessing his port and getting the chemo. He even asked for a finger poke instead of the "Bob poke." But, he needed chemo so we had no choice. Thankfully it was just a quick blood draw and one small amount of chemo. It didn't take too long, and he was done with that. He had a quick check and we talked about his numbers. His ANC is down, but still pretty good at 800. Hemoglobin is down to 9, but that is not too bad considering all the chemo he has had over the past week. So, he is holding strong, but will probably get lower next week. We have made arrangements for family to come back over the next few weeks so we can keep him isolated as much as possible. We go in next on Tuesday for a blood check, and we are hoping he does not need any blood products at that time. Wish us an uneventful weekend.

Thanks to Joyful Givings for sending the kids a care package. They really appreciate it.

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