Friday, November 1, 2013

Happiness and Frustration

Logan is doing really well. He had so much fun dressing up yesterday and trick or treating. He wore his costume to watch his sister in her school parade, he went to his daycare party, and also went to the clinic for labs dressed as Iron Man. Everyone got a kick out of, and he had lots of fun. His energy has been great, and he was even a little sad when we were finished Trick or Treating wanting to go longer. Though he was certainly getting tired, since we had needed to carry him the last few houses.

Well, he did not pass his counts to have chemo today, but his counts are better. They are improving, but not quite high enough for this next round. So, he gets a reprieve for a week. They said he can go to daycare, and he should hold steady for a couple of weeks and then his numbers will probably be back down. But, for now, we are going to enjoy him having some energy and feeling fine.

On a more frustrating note, we (us and the doctors/nurses/etc.) have had a hard time locating the medication Logan is supposed to take this next month. Apparently there is a market shortage, but many people have been working on it and we think we have found some.

Thanks to Cindy who brought dinner on Tuesday, and Susan who is bringing it tonight.

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