Well, obviously I did not get to this yesterday. Oh well. I was trying my best to enjoy a day with the family despite Logan having a cold and the dreary snow outside. Yes, that's right, snow in the middle of May. Anyway, we had a very nice Mother's Day, and I would like to extend a belated Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms out there reading this. From my own mom, and grandmother to my mother in law, and all the mothers in our family and outside of our family that support us. You are all appreciated and loved.
As Logan's mother, this past year has been a roller coaster of emotions, learning experiences, and new opportunities. I have met so many people that I would otherwise not have had the chance to meet. Many people in my life have shown us true support and love at our lowest times. As a mom, this year has been tough. To be honest, I thought I had "paid my dues" with a miscarriage and 2 tough pregnancies. I had always said that I was grateful to have two healthy kids, and was fortunate for that. Unfortunately, life does not work that way. There was more in store for our family. No one should have to be told that their child has cancer. No one should watch their baby go through the pokes, exams, treatments, not to mention the side effects. No one should have to worry on a daily basis if said treatments are working. No one.
Yet, I am so thankful. Thankful that Logan is fighting. Thankful that the treatments are working. Thankful that he is here with me. He is in remission. There is no better Mother's Day gift, than the gift of my children. It could be worse. There are so many other mothers out there that have lost or are losing their babies right now. I send my thoughts to them, and wish them strength. Strength that I hope to never muster up.
As I mentioned, Logan has a cold/virus/whatever. He has had a runny nose, and then a nasty cough last night. He has been a little sad and needy, and we kept him home today. He was supposed to go into the clinic for labs anyway today, but they had us come in earlier and have an exam too. I was a little worried about his numbers, but his ANC is 6000. This is really high, and reflects an elevated white blood cell count due to his body fighting the infection (cold). This is better than the alternative of his counts being super low and not being able to fight off the virus. So, we will take it.
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