Monday, May 26, 2014

Made it through the month

Logan has had a bit of a tough month recovering from his last spinal and IV chemos, but we made it to the next one. Tomorrow he goes in for IV chemo and starts his week of steroids. We are going in early and they will draw labs and do everything at once instead of spreading it out over two days. Usually he goes in for a finger poke one day and then back the next day for chemo.

We have had a really nice long weekend, and the kids even slept in a tent in the living room last night (see picture below). We went camping over Memorial Day weekend last year, but did not this year so we compromised. I look back to that trip last year, and we knew something was up with Logan. When he would normally be running around with his friend and sister, playing in the dirt and having fun, he just sat in a chair most of the time. Friends even made comments about it seeming odd.

Anyway, what a difference a year makes. Logan even had so much fun playing in the water table today despite the clouds moving in and making it cool (see other picture). Looking forward to this last week of work for me before summer break, and then having the kids home with me this summer. Wish us luck for chemo, and good vibes for his lab work. I am not sure what it will look like tomorrow. He has seemed like he does not feel great, has some dark circles under his eyes and has been complaining about headaches. Not sure what that is about, but they seem short lived and then he is going crazy and silly (great to see).

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