Sunday, May 18, 2014

16 more days

Sixteen days from today will mark the one year anniversary of Logan's diagnosis. It is a strange feeling coming up on this date. There are things to celebrate: the end of another school year, our wedding anniversary, summer is almost here, and with it comes more time with the kids and family. But this "anniversary" is not something that we want to celebrate. I look back on this time last year, and think about the symptoms I was overlooking. Logan was cranky, which is not the norm for him. He was not eating much, again unusual. He was not his usual active self. He even avoided jumping and activities like that, saying "I can't," or "I'm not strong." And then, the fevers started. They would come and go, with no apparent reason. If you want to know more, you can refer back to How it all began. Thankfully, once I did call the doctor, she figured it out immediately and we were admitted to Children's that night. It is crazy and emotional to look back to that day. I remember details from the entire day, and I am sure I will never forget. I still feel that this day was the worst day of our lives. These as tough for even me to read, but that is what we were going through at the time. I am not sure how we will mark this day that is coming, but I know one thing. We will choose to celebrate all the positives instead of dwelling on the trials that we have been through this past year. (Though a recap may be coming as well)

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