Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Update: Logan had a rough week last week after his spinal chemo. He just did not feel himself, and seemed to have a slower recovery. His appetite was almost non-existent, even while taking the steroids. The typical steroid crankiness was in full effect though, and he was very needy/pitiful. He does seem to be feeling better now, though, and has more energy. (I just have to make sure I read his mind and have the right shirt, socks, underwear, etc clean and ready for him.) For some reason all of that reset his internal clock, and now he feels the need to wake up before 6am every day which is a little rough on us.

Now for the Loganisms. I try and include some of the funny things he says in this blog, but sometimes forget. Here are a few. Some are cute, some are funny, and some just drive home how much different our "normal" really is.

1. "You are the best mom I ever had" (he says a variation of this to everyone in the family, but I am writing this, so I put mom in)
2. "The bad guys are attacking my balls!"
3. "You're the best cooker in the whole wild world"
4. Me: "Logan, what do you want for lunch?"
    Logan: "Broccoli soup!" (what 3 year old boy says that?)
5. "When kids are small, they take chemo"

Here is a picture of Logan with his friends from Cherokee Trail. I took him last week to go and give out thank you cards. It gave him a big boost when he was not feeling well, so that helped too. We so much appreciate how those students and teachers have given back to our family and the community. It is so impressive to see such leadership and philanthropy. They even gave us a yearbook that the yearbook and leadership classes signed. There were two pages dedicated to Logan and the Wish Week. Very Cool, and he loved seeing all the pictures.

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