Logan was a champ at clinic today. I was worried about how he would do, because he has been needy and whining a lot lately. He told me he did not want to go in for a Bob poke and chemo, and seemed to think this would get him out of it. But when he realized that it was inevitable, he was fine. He did great through the poke, and then ate a good lunch while waiting for the lab results. Thanks to Eric for bringing us lunch. After the results came in, they pushed the chemo through his port (giving Bob a drink). Then they took out the needle and we were done. Pretty quick considering that we had to wait for the lab results and then wait for the pharmacy to send up the chemo.
Logan's ANC was 2600, which is a little higher than the range they keep it in. But they did not adjust any of his medicines since they think it may still be up from Logan being sick a couple of weeks ago. Not that the number is "bad" it is just closer to that normal range than the treatment protocol dictates. Let me just say that his good numbers were a relief to me. No matter how irrational it may be, I had convinced myself that they were going to tell me he had relapsed. I don't know why. I was worried. Maybe it is that he has been extra needy and whiny as I mentioned before. Maybe it is the dark circles under his eyes in the past few days. Maybe it is just the memories of this time from last year haunting me. Maybe it is seeing stories of others lately who have relapsed (even though they have different cancers than Logan). Maybe I am just irrational, but I was bracing myself. Thankfully I did not hear that news today. It was a good day, even a great day. Logan is healthy and I am so grateful.
Tomorrow is Alexis' last day of school, and one day closer to putting this past year behind us. Seven more days until it is truly behind us. There is much to be happy about and celebrate. Here are a couple of pictures of Logan in his new favorite pose:
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