Wednesday, June 26, 2013

But, I'm still hungry...

My poor little man is just so hungry. He eats, but then wants more. And of course he will not eat much that is healthy. Occasionally he will eat some watermelon, but not the usual volume of fruit that he ate before. Before these crazy steroids, he would eat fruit like it was the best thing on his plate then ask for more. Now he only craves junk food. He wants corn dogs (at least I got the chicken ones), soup (not so bad), pizza, pretzels, pop tarts, and cereal. I try really hard to spread these out and insert healthy items, but he is not going for it. Nine more days of steroids, and they say he will return to normal even losing the weight that he gained. His belly just looks so tight, and I may have sighted a stretch mark this morning. Not sure, it might have been a crease from his PJs, but it would not surprise me since he gained 2.5 pounds just last week. I know part of that is water retention too, since that is also a side effect. It is just so strange to see him like this, he looks and acts like a different kid. The medicine also seems to have turned off his ability to tell when he is full. No matter what he eats, or how much, he then says "I'm still hungry." He can turn completely pitiful. Logan has even taken to helping out more in the kitchen, I think to keep me on task and help things move more quickly.  Here is a picture of him watching the pizza cook yesterday.

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