Not much to report today, which is a good thing. We went to the doctor for labs, which all looked good. His ANC which is a reflection of the white blood cell count is still low which puts him at risk for getting sick or an infection, but it is improving. The nurse was telling me that it is still low so we need to keep up all the precautions. Then she told me the number was 700, and I was so excited. This is double what it was earlier this week, and almost 7 times higher than what it was at one point. His platelet count is holding strong even though it is below normal as is the hemoglobin count. So, those mean that he does not currently need blood products, and that is good.
All that aside, I feel like the worst mother on the planet. He is so hungry all the time and craving salty foods from taking the steroids. I am doing my best to pace him and add in some healthier foods, but he is not liking it. Logan would eat constantly if I let him, but then he just looks miserable. He does not take being told no very well, but I can usually bargain with him or distract him. The best distraction is to go outside and swing on the fort. We also even drove up to Eric's work today just to take him his watch that he forgot. (Really we were just looking for a reason to get out of the house without exposing Logan to unnecessary germs.) So we took a drive, and Logan even took a little catnap. Tomorrow is chemo, but it is a fairly quick injection so should not take too long at the doctor's office.
You might feel like a bad mom, but you are really being an awesome mom. Keep it up!