Saturday, June 22, 2013

Thanks to many

I am overwhelmed and humbled by the outpouring of support we have received. Not only has our family supported us like we knew they would. But also friends, neighbors, friends of our family, coworkers of family members, our coworkers, former coworkers, and even friends of friends. It is amazing, and we cannot say thank you enough. But I am going to try.

As I said before, my dad's coworkers sent toys and a gift card. My mom's friends and my Aunt Vickie sent toys and a card. John and Terry sent a cute crab and book. Leigh and Peg brought Starbucks (you ladies know my weakness). We received many toys in the hospital from the staff through many organizations. we received a "Bag of Fun" from the Gabby Krause Foundation that included games, a book, many toys and a portable DVD player in a really nice backpack that can be one of our "hospital/doctor office bags." Pam made sure Logan had a prayer flag up at Vail Rocks. My friend and coworker Gail brought me a couple of books about learning and dealing with childhood cancer, and she is also organizing meals to be brought in for us a couple times a week to ease stress. Thanks Carol and Sarah for providing food to us this week (yummy!). We received a gift card to Toys R Us from Margie, Sally, and their Mom that was more than generous enough to purchase something for both kids. Cathy brought a handmade blanket, sticker book, and monkeys for both kids. Katie and Deb sent interesting articles. Karyn and her family kept Alexis all day having fun when I had Logan at the hospital for a blood transfusion. Amy took Alexis bowling for a fun afternoon out of the house. Wojo (sorry I have a hard time calling you by your first name) took Alexis to the pool with her family and kept her for a day of fun.

But even above the gifts is the outpouring of support. Our neighbors have purchased jugs of hand sanitizer so that the kids can play clean and safe for Logan. Friends are reconsidering planned visits if they even suspect that they are not well, and we really appreciate all the caution to keep our little man healthy. The hugs, thoughts, prayers, hopes, wishes, calls, texts, emails, comments on this blog, likes and comments and messages on Facebook, and cards. Everything and all this love means the world to us. It is working. Logan is responding well to treatment, and we are stronger because of all of you. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.

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