Logan is on day 22 of chemotherapy. We went in for another injection in his port today, and it went well. He still does not like putting on the mask during the time that they clean and insert the needle, but does much better. He went in today and was more cooperative, and he even gave the nurses a high five each. He is getting pretty puffy from the steroids. Some of it is weight from all the food he is eating, but much of it is fluid retention. In fact he gained 2 pounds just since our visit yesterday. Overall during the 22 days he has gained 6.6 pounds. That is a lot for a little guy to pack onto a 3 foot frame. He just seems uncomfortable, and his breathing is even labored. It goes back to that analogy of a pregnant woman. His belly is getting big and it is shoving everything up and crowding his diaphragm. He gets tired quickly, especially when walking up the hill in our backyard. But he is a trooper and is hanging in there. Just 7 more days of steroids left, and I hope his clothes will fit for long enough to lose some of the fluid he is retaining.
Hang in there Jennifer. Only 7 more days left!